Application for Grant from the Foundation

Persons may apply at any time for a JJCF grant, but are encouraged to do so as far in advance of the time the grant is needed as possible. There are no pre-conditions to submitting an application, but grants will not be made until all conditions of the community service employment, association or project are in place. The foundation will act on each application, and advise the applicant of the foundation’s decision, as promptly as possible. The completed application should be emailed to Eugene D. Cohen at There are no upper or lower limits on the grants, but the higher the requested amount, the more it is hoped that the grantee will be obtaining a share of the project’s costs from an additional source. The application may be in any form, but must address at least the following information:

Description of Proposed Project/Community Service

The notion of “community service” should be understood in its broadest sense to include service that benefits any aspect of society, including social and environmental aspects. Note that the project should not be part of an academic requirement nor provide a course credit.

  1. Description of proposed project, including perceived purpose and benefits of the project and how you expect it would affect you.
  2. Expected length of the service.
  3. Grant amount requested and an explanation of how that amount was determined.
  4. Other possible funding sources contacted and status of any such request. (See “Additional Required Matters” below.)
  5. Section 501(c)(3) organization that will administer the funds for your project, along with contact information for the organization. (See “Additional Matters That Must Be Addressed in the Application” below.)
  6. Date by which you need a decision from JJCF.

Personal Information

The following may be submitted in a resume or CV format.

  • How you heard of JJCF
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Education
  • Work experience
  • Publications, if any
  • Accomplishments
  • Any other information that JJCF should consider
  • Two references

Additional Matters That Must Be Addressed in the Application

Section 501(c)(3) Entity: JJCF must distribute any grants to an IRS Section 501(c)(3) entity. It is the responsibility of the applicant to designate an appropriate Section 501(c)(3) entity and should do so as part of the application. Please confirm that you have checked with an authorized person (and provide that person’s name and email address) and that none of the requested grant amount will be used to pay a fee or defray any cost of any such organization or entity (including any bank transfer fee). In addition, your designated 501(c)(3) entity will be required to enroll in the EFT option at the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, and should state its willingness to do so if it has not already enrolled in the EFT program.

Report Submissions: Anyone receiving a grant will be required to submit various reports, including reports suitable for posting on the website. (See Grantees/Detail page, for report examples.) As a result, applicants should assure JJCF that they are prepared and able to provide articulate and insightful reports. All reports must be submitted in Word or other editable document, but JJCF will post all reports and resumes in PDF. Photos or other images in reports are welcome, but not required. In addition, applicants should state a willingness to keep JJCF apprised of what they are doing after the grant project is complete with brief yearly updates.

Disbursement Schedule: In making its disbursements to the designated Section 501(c)(3) entity, JJCF has a strong preference that those disbursements be made in accordance with a schedule where the final disbursement is not made until the project is complete and all the requirements have been met. JJCF will work with each grantee in an effort to find a mutually-agreeable schedule for the disbursements.

Partial Funding: Sometimes the circumstances are such that JJCF is in a position where it might be able to provide a portion of the grant amount requested, but not the entire amount. Assuming that were to be the case with respect to your application, please explain whether or not you would be able to proceed with your project with such a partial grant and, if so, how you would be able to do so.

Academic Credit: Please advise whether the proposed project is intended to fulfill any academic requirement or otherwise will entitle the grantee to a course-credit of any kind. As a general matter, grants are not made where the proposed project will result in course credit or that is part of the grantee’s academic curriculum.